I am a writer and translator, amongst other interests, and I lived and worked in Germany for twenty years as a TV producer/director and scriptwriter on WWI, WWII and other historical documentaries. I wrote, narrated, and composed the music for the six-part Hitler’s War TV series and I’ve also written many biographies on cultural icons such as Queen, Sir Alex Ferguson and Alexander McQueen or rock gods the Rolling Stones and 70s idol Joni Mitchell.
My interest in the WWI biographies was piqued when I was asked to translate books about WW2. I subsequently finished translating the first two books on WWI for my own interest, and I decided to turn them into e-Books. Now, the – expanded – collection is also available in paperback editions. I’ve gathered some into three six-part series: ‘Brothers and Comrades’, ‘Dying for the Kaiser’ and ‘In the trenches of WWI’.