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“I know no parties anymore, I know only Germans!”
Crowds cheer the Kaiser, who is standing on the balcony of the Royal Palace in Berlin. The German Government had just declared war on Russia and announced the order to mobilise. 1st August…
23/09/2023 -
Of tears and trenches.
Translation is often an intensely affecting experience, belying the aura of a mechanical process that surrounds it in the thoughts of many. The text can be so emotionally saturated that it is…
08/02/2022 -
The Great War Letters of German and Austrian Jews
I have just emerged from a unique translation project, which was bitter sweet. If you are involved with language you might understand my enthusiasm. I have, I hope, managed to get the…
04/04/2019 -
Whose war is it anyway? The German soldier in the American Civil War
One of the wonderful aspects of translation is the variety of subjects that I am privileged to be given carte blanche to roam through. So I go blithely where this second-generation Irishman…
04/04/2019 -
Lost in translation. Fighting for the Fatherland
I am lost in a translation. Impossible not to be moved by sentences like these; “We have already forgotten the five days when death chased us around like a fiend.” “It was…
28/03/2019 -
Jewish Airmen in the Great War
I have been involved with WWII a great deal in all of my various reincarnations; as an actor, voice over artist, script writer, video editor and translator. I lived in Germany for…
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